Shelby Summerville k4ww at arrl.net
Wed Jul 16 05:31:04 EDT 2008

NAQP RTTY is this weekend. Rules http://www.ncjweb.com/naqprules.php and 
please pay careful attention to the log submission portion!
Team registration http://www.ncjweb.com/rttynaqpteamreg.php

Recently there was some discussion, regarding the transmission of RTTY 
signals on the NCDXF beacon frequency, 14.100. During NAQP RTTY, please do 
not operate on a frequency, that will allow your signal can be copied on 
14.100! If you're unsure, please ask someone to monitor your signal, and be 
sure it can't be printed between 14.099-14.101! Before I'm inundated with 
"technicalities"....I use a KAMPlus, and if I can copy your RTTY signal on 
14.100, you're "operating too close"! Although, at this time, it isn't a 
part of NAQP rules, I will rely on the "competitive, while remaining 
courteous" attitude of RTTY operators, to keep it that way.

Shelby Summerville, K4WW
Contest Manager

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