[RTTY] some interesting stats

Peter Laws plaws at plaws.net
Fri Jun 27 18:48:28 EDT 2008

On Fri, Jun 27, 2008 at 13:36, Kai Siwiak <k.siwiak at ieee.org> wrote:

> are 2 QSLs per QSL match), and the LoTW data base contains plenty of
> errors.

You're not kidding.  Despite selecting the correct location when
signing, I just noticed I have a bunch of QSOs (some matched) that
have the wrong location.  I'll try to figure out how many are "bad"
this weekend and re-upload.  Unfortunately, I have some 6600 Qs in the

Of course, if you upload again and the QSOs aren't the identical, the
"bad" QSOs stay in the system.  Nice. GIGO.

Peter Laws | N5UWY | plaws plaws net | Travel by Train!

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