[RTTY] LoTW and cards (Re: VP6DX on LoTW

Peter Laws plaws at plaws.net
Thu Mar 13 20:05:25 EDT 2008

On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 11:37 AM, Peter Laws <plaws at plaws.net> wrote:

>  THANK YOU ALL!!  I know understand that I can upload all I want and
>  still play the card game.  Thanks to ALL who wrote to enlighten me.
>  I plan to play with the TQSL stuff at home after work today, get my
>  password requested from the ARRL, and get those 6k Qs into the DB
>  ASAP.

Hey, LoTW support people (OK, not so much).

I have about 2/3 of my logs uploaded.  Requested a second cert for
N5UWY/9.  Got confused about location (couldn't find it in TQSLcert
because *it isn't there*) and the address you put in the cert request
.... and ended up deleting the .tq5 and resubmitting.  Have a .tq6 now
but I get "certificate or private key not found".

Actually, I got that last night ... and requested another cert.
Didn't get a new .tq6 this morning and am now stuck.  Emailed the
support folks, but they won't read that mail until I'm at work
tomorrow ...

Do I need to call them to straighten this out, or will I eventually
get a new .tq6 in the mail?  I did save 2 of the .tq5s.

And yes, I created a .p12 for the N5UWY cert.  :-)

Any help, off list, appreciated.

Peter Laws | N5UWY | plaws plaws net | Travel by Train!

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