F4DVX David f4dvx at orange.fr
Tue Mar 25 17:52:56 EDT 2008

        *       BARTG RTTY
        *       Start Date : 2008-03-22
        *       CallSign Used : F4DVX
        *       Operator(s) : F4DVX
        *        Band : 40M
        *        Power : LOW
        *        Mode : RTTY
        *        Default Exchange :  
        *        Gridsquare : IN95OE
        *        Name : Bamba David F4DVX
        *        Country : France
        *        Club/Team : Bordeaux DX Group & Cursan Contest Club (F6KNB)
        *         Software: N1MM Logger V7.0.0
        *         Band    QSOs    Pts  Cty   Sec   Cnt
        *            7           139     139   32    9    6
        * Total                139     139   32    9    6
        *            Score : 34 194 pts
        *            Rig : FT1000MP 100W MMTTY 1.65d
        *            Antennas : just Dipole @ 11m
        *            Soapbox :  Hi all,
        *                           Just for fun operate few hours  6H~ 
          at different moment of the week end very occupied this week end
        *                           Nice propagation no very hard qrm
        *                           Thanks  you  for the all call and qso
        *                           See you soon 

        *             F4DVX David IN95OE

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