[RTTY] 40 Meters RTTY

Joe Subich, W4TV w4tv at subich.com
Sun Nov 9 17:16:42 EST 2008

This is a typical problem with state QSO parties ... why does 
every one of them insist on posting "suggested frequencies" 
that are right in the middle of the ONLY international RTTY 
spectrum on 40 meters?  These events should be moved higher 
in the band (above 7060 - even between 7100 - 7125) or below 

Yes, RTTY operators could show a bit more consideration but 
they have no other place to go.  For a local, domestic QSO 
party to stake out prime space in the international RTTY 
spectrum during a major international RTTY contest shows about 
as much class as the SSB boys who insist on their local ragchews 
below 1840 KHz or between 3775 and 3800 (and, yes, I have made 
the same comments to the local Florida Contest Group about 
their suggested frequencies). 


> -----Original Message-----
> From: rtty-bounces at contesting.com 
> [mailto:rtty-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Shelby Summerville
> Sent: Sunday, November 09, 2008 2:08 PM
> To: RTTY Reflector
> Subject: [RTTY] 40 Meters RTTY
> Yesterday, I got some "first hand" experience, that I've been 
> hearing about, for some time. While operating in the KY QSO 
> Party, admittedly not a major contest, on 7.035.5, at 19:35 
> UTC, I was suddenly, and without any consideration, swamped 
> with US RTTY stations calling an EU station? As if it wasn't 
> bad enough, and terribly inconsiderate, to completely cover 
> any station that I was trying to work, the EU station was 
> spotted, on packet, increasing the activity! 
> 7035.3 DP4P         RTTY                              1935 08 Nov
> This type of behavior is unacceptable, especially if we, as 
> RTTY operators, are to "set the example"? I'm very fond of 
> saying that RTTY operators have the ability "to be 
> considerate, while being competitive"! After yesterday, I may 
> have changed my mind.
> C'Ya, Shelby - K4WW 

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