[RTTY] 160

Bill Tippett btippett at alum.mit.edu
Tue Nov 25 06:41:28 EST 2008


 >Even during a major 160 meter contest, most of the band is empty
space. This ain't the WPX, guys. :-)

         Bass ackwards.  The ARRL 160 is literally wall-to-wall with
S9++ local signals.  So much so that most DX stations are covered.
By contrast, the WPX CW on 160 is a virtual wasteland (mainly due
to the late May date when QRN is high on 160).

         If the sponsor is so foolish to do this, the situation will
quickly resolve itself once anyone listens to the band.  With the
ARRL 160 starting at 2200z on the 5th, it will be absolutely
wall-to-wall by the time TARA begins.  To use the race car analogy,
it would be equivalent to starting a tricycle race on the same
track after a Formula 1 race is in progress.  Good luck, but don't
get run over!

         I wouldn't get my shorts too tight about this guys, but it
does reflect some serious ignorance by some about the ARRL 160.

                                         73,  Bill  W4ZV

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