Tom Osborne w7why at verizon.net
Fri Oct 10 15:46:16 EDT 2008

> Hi all,
> I'm still new to rtty and want to try to Sprint a little. I know some guys
> are touchy about "most efficient exchange". I'm running MMTTY and still 
> quite
> rough at setting up macros. Would one of you kind gentlemen send me what 
> to
> type  into my macro files to make it come out right for the contest? Also, 
> is it
> bad  form to work only the guys calling CQ in the contest without taking 
> over
> the  frequency after each contact?
> 73,
> Marty AB5GU

Hi Maraty

Here are my keys.  They seem to work for me.  73

F1 CQ,{TX}{ENTER}Cq Na DE * * CQ {RX}

F2 Exch,{TX}* # tom or {RX}

F3 TU,{TX} {ENTER} r {RX}{LOG}{S&P}

F4 W7WHY,{TX}{ENTER}de * * {RX}

F5 His Call,{TX}{ENTER}!

F6 Nr?,{TX}{ENTER}nr? nr? {RX}

F7 Name?,{TX}{ENTER}name? {RX}

F8 Sec?,{TX}{ENTER}sec? {RX}

F9 Nr,{TX}{ENTER}#  {RX}

F10 Name,{TX}{ENTER}tom  {RX}

F11 Sec,{TX}{ENTER}or  {RX}

F12 Agn?, {TX}{ENTER}Agn?? {RX}

F1 QRL?,{TX}{ENTER}na de * * CQ {RUN}{RX}

F2 EXCH,{TX} {ENTER}! # tom or * {RX}{LOG}{RUN}


F4 W7WHY,{TX}{ENTER}de * * {RX}

F5 His Call,{TX}{ENTER}

F6 Nr?,{TX}{ENTER}Nr?? {RX}

F7 Name?,{TX}{ENTER}Name? {RX}

F8 Sec?,{TX}{ENTER}Sec? {RX}

F9 Nr,{TX}{ENTER} # {RX}

F10 Name,{TX}{ENTER}tom  {RX}

F11 Sec,{TX}{ENTER}or  {RX}

F12 Agn?, {TX}{ENTER}agn??? {RX}

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