[RTTY] Double buffers?

Ed Muns w0yk at msn.com
Sat Oct 11 01:44:19 EDT 2008

> Where do I find out more about the additional buffer(s) that 
> allow a station running, to reply to two stations, one after 
> the other?

AA5AU describes the macro to do this in WriteLog in his tutorial on
www.rttycontesting.com.  The form most people use is:


If you log the NM4M QSO while he is sending his exchange to you, and put the
W0YK call sign in the Entry Window, then the macro is written with
parameters that select the n-1 call sign or the current call sign.

This is a great technique to use under the principle "Slow Down to Win".
Instead of coming back to the first clear call sign you get in a pile-up,
wait ("slow down") for a second to see if another call sign will emerge.  If
you can get two or more call signs out of each pileup, then you can use the
above macro to cut your QSO time in half.  You eliminate a CQ and its
response.  Instead you only send the exchange along with the prior QSO's QSL
message (the macro above) and then copy the exchange sent to you and send
another QSL message.

Ed - W0YK

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