[RTTY] RTTY - WAS -> And then there was one....

David Levine david at levinecentral.com
Tue Oct 21 12:16:09 EDT 2008

I in the same situation but with a different state.

Got almost all RTTY during the CIS RTTY contest a month ago. This past
weekend during the JARTS contest I got the remaining ones, already confirmed
on LOTW. All I need is Wyoming for WAS and WAS RTTY. So yesterday I looked
up a few, based on eQSL recommendations, to see if I could identify someone
in WY doing digital and using LOTW. I emailed 2 folks late yesterday. No
response yet but I'm hopeful.

If anyone on this list is in WY and wouldn't mind, they can email me
directly off the list at david at levinecentral.com

Thanks, and good luck with Maine. For me, I have on LOTW for RTTY Maine
N1IVY and N4CW/1. Both were made/confirmed this past weekend.

73 - David

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