[RTTY] CQWW exchange

David Wilburn dave.wilburn at verizon.net
Mon Sep 29 18:04:19 EDT 2008

Admittedly I'm the new guy here.  But I have to say, I really liked 
seeing the other stations call in the.  I mean they suggest putting CQ 
at the end of the CQ.  If you roll up and see a CQ, and just through 
your call out there.  When they send the exchange, then it is all 
there.  Such as;

VE2FK: CQ Test de VE2FK CQ
VE2FK: NM4M 599 05 QC QC VE2FK

This confirms for the S&P'er that just popped on the scene what the 
call is.  It also confirms what the call is from the CQ.  I saw 3 
group CQ's sent out that all had different calls.

If I had just arrived and threw the call out, then I had to ask Call 
AGN?  Yes, this is my fault for throwing my call out there before 
being fully prepared.  But isn't the point of CQ at the end of a CQ so 
that people can respond when they just roll up?

Your already sending the text anyway, and I already know my call, and 
I think I know yours.  It just seems like cheap insurance.  Just one 
guys opinion.

Thanks for the QSO in the contest.  73

David Wilburn

Claude Du Berger wrote:
> I dont even repeat the call with the confirmation since
> I had sent his calls twice with my exchange in RUN.
> My exchange:  W6WRT 599 05 QC QC W6WRT
> My confirmation:  TU  VE2FK CQ
> Still thinking hi.
> 73 Claude VE2FK
>   ----- Original Message ----- 
>   From: Bill, W6WRT 
>   To: Claude Du Berger 
>   Cc: RTTY 
>   Sent: Monday, September 29, 2008 11:49 AM
>   Subject: Re: [RTTY] CQWW exchange
>   Interesting idea. At present I have my RUN TU macro as:
>   I'm afraid if I change it to TU <CALL> W6WRTCQ there is a chance that
>   if I have the other station's call wrong he may see only the TU and
>   take off without realizing the error. It seems to happen at least once
>   during every contest that the call needs correcting at that point.
>   Food for thought.
>   73, Bill W6WRT
>   ------------ ORIGINAL MESSAGE ------------
>   On Mon, 29 Sep 2008 11:22:43 -0400, Claude Du Berger
>   <duberger.miousse81 at globetrotter.net> wrote:
>   >It would be nice if the RUN station reply with the  
>   >TU or QSL  at the beginning of his confirmation, this way the S&P 
>   >station could move faster... not waiting for the new way
>   >to reply giving the callsign twice...
>   >
>   >73, 
>   >Claude Du Berger VE2FK
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