[RTTY] FW: telnet problem

Jim N7US n7us at arrl.net
Sun Aug 23 19:13:11 PDT 2009


If you are using Windows' telnet program, do yourself a huge favor and
download VE7CC's free user program.  You won't believe how nice it is to use
a program designed for the purpose.  You can easily set filters at the node
and organize the spots so you see what you want to see.  Setup info and the
link to download are at http://ve7cc.net/.

You have a typo below - you meant dxc.w9zrx.net. 

Connecting to a CC Cluster node (one that uses software written by VE7CC),
such as VE7CC-1, will allow you more flexibility and customization of node
filters.  For instance, you can set your filters so you don't see 160M spots
until, say, 90 minutes before sunset and stop them 90 minutes after sunrise.

Jim N7US

-----Original Message-----
From: Dick White [mailto:whiter26 at sbcglobal.net] 
Sent: Sunday, August 23, 2009 20:31
To: RTTY Contesting
Subject: [RTTY] FW: telnet problem

My OS is Windows XP Pro and I open telnet by opening "RUN" and clicking on
one of the cluster addresses. Has worked for years this way. I do not go
through DX4WIN or any other program. Rebooting does not make it work. Tried
that several times.

Dick  KS0M

-----Original Message-----
From: davidnj at gmail.com [mailto:davidnj at gmail.com]On Behalf Of David Levine
Sent: Sunday, August 23, 2009 8:14 PM
To: Dick White
Subject: Re: [RTTY] telnet problem

Are you doing a straight telnet from a DOS (or MAC) command prompt or are
you using some windowed client application?

Of course, my first advice would be to reboot and try again. Sometimes that
just works.

David - K2DSL

On Sun, Aug 23, 2009 at 8:57 PM, Dick White <whiter26 at sbcglobal.net> wrote:

  This is not a RTTY question but the best place I know to get some help.
  the past two days I have been unable to open any telnet cluster. It just
  suddenly happened when I tried to open KY4DX. I also tried dxc.w9zry.net
  dxc.ad1c.us with the same results. I thought KY4DX was just down the first
  day. Sunday is the 3rd day I can't access any of these clusters. Any
  and help appreciated. I have not changed any settings on the radio or

  Dick  KS0M

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