[RTTY] Writelog, N1MM and "NEXT" AKA as NOW
Mark Perrin
mperrin at ordata.com
Mon Jan 5 12:12:35 EST 2009
Don AA5AU's suggested macro for WriteLog to work when more than one
station prints on screen:
Don puts his on F-8 and it is %RTU %P1 Now %C 599 OR %E [for me]
where key is to have entered the exchange with first station and have
logged it, AND have highlighted the second call and shazamm! [For
WriteLog, P1 is the most recent entered Q]
Also with WriteLog, can hit Alt C and get a small box of all the
stations recently printed. Twice in RU was able to use the F-8 for 3
quick Q's. Tnx to Don for all his tips.
73, Mark N7MQ
At 08:32 PM 1/4/2009, Jim W7RY wrote:
>You are correct Al.
>It's used when you are calling CQ and more than one station answers
>you. There is lots of info on the n1mm yahoo pages about it. As how
>Writelog works it, I've forgotten. I think that Don, AA5AU uses
>Writelog. I know that Jay, WS7I still does.
>Download the Writelog manual and search it with the search command in Adobe.
>Jim W7RY
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Alfred Frugoli
> To: Jim W7RY
> Cc: rtty at contesting.com
> Sent: Sunday, January 04, 2009 8:10 PM
> Subject: Re: [RTTY] Writelog, N1MM and "NEXT" AKA as NOW
> Can anyone explain the "next command" in N1MM (or WriteLog for
> that matter). What's the purpose? I did a quick Google search and
> came up with nothing helpful. I'm assuming that it's for when you
> hear multiple callsigns in the pileup and want to work one after
> the other without calling qrz or cq. Is this correct, and if so,
> I'm eagerly awaiting the answers - especially if anybody has info
> on how this works in Writelog.
> 73 de Al, KE1FO
> -----
> Visit my amateur radio contesting blog at ke1fo.wordpress.com.
> On Sun, Jan 4, 2009 at 10:51 PM, Jim W7RY <w7ry at arrl.net> wrote:
> Well RTTY roundup is done for another year! I did pretty well
> at single op high power. about 1350-Q's and 98 mults...
> I used to use Writelog but now am using n1mm. Has anyone else
> switched? If so, what do you think? I know that n1mm does LOTS of
> stuff and can be very complicated to set up. With this in mind, I'm
> looking at the best way to set up the next command in n1mm. Has
> anyone had success with it? How do you like to operate it? It's
> been so long since I've used Writelog, I can't remember how the
> NEXT command works with it.
> Let the group know your thoughts...
> 73 and thanks for your contacts this weekend!
> Jim W7RY
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