[RTTY] 80M Antenna

Phil Sussman psussman at pactor.com
Wed Jan 21 20:12:49 EST 2009

I'm working with a fellow who has problems loading an 80M loop antenna with
ladder line and a tuner. His antenna is about 380ft and I think that it's a bit
short. I borrowed my Nye-Viking and the best that I can achieve is 3 to 1 match
at 3800 KHz. 

At that point the tuner is applying MINIMUM capacitance. That makes me think
that longer antenna length is needed.

As an aside 40m loads no better 2.5 to 1, but 30m loads up OK.

If I take his balanced line and feed it as a long wire (one end unterminated)
the system loads up just fine on 40m and 80m, but it is obviously unbalanced.

Any quick hints appreciated -- I'm not the best with HF antennas.

PS. My 80m loop antenna is 420ft long and loads as balanced just fine.

de Phil - N8PS

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