[RTTY] Ukraine DX Digi Contest

Junior charlesw_anderso at bellsouth.net
Sat Jun 27 05:56:50 PDT 2009

Some are running 45b, some are running 75b this morning.

-----Original Message-----
From: rtty-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:rtty-bounces at contesting.com] On
Behalf Of Thomas F. Giella NZ4O
Sent: Friday, June 26, 2009 8:22 PM
To: rtty at contesting.com
Subject: [RTTY] Ukraine DX Digi Contest

Bill the 75 baud rate is correct. PSK63 is also the odd man out in the

3. Modes:

    RTTY75 (75 baud)
    BPSK 63
    MFSK 16
    OLIVIA (250 Hz, 4 tones)

The rules for the Ukraine RTTY contest state that the baud rate for
RTTY is to be 75 baud.   http://www.izmail-dx.com/

Does anyone know if this is really correct or just a typo? The
standard baud rate for amateur RTTY has been 45 baud for years. 

I emailed the contest sponsor but have not received a reply yet.

73, Bill W6WRT
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