[RTTY] Macros and procedures for weak DX?

Bill, W6WRT dezrat1242 at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 30 19:44:47 PDT 2009


On Tue, 30 Jun 2009 19:43:27 -0500, Stephen & Marilyn Haines
<stevehaines at pobox.com> wrote:

>1. Is split better than simplex? Would listening up 2 - 5 Khz be 
>appropriate? Would it be better to rock the receive vfo to keep the 
>pileup spread out a bit?


You sound like a pro already. :-) All your suggested procedures are great.

Yes, split is good if you are getting a lot of calls. If you are calling CQ a
lot and only getting a few calls, stay on simplex. It's a judgment call.

And when things get REALLY busy, 'rock the vfo' after each QSO. If you don't,
the callers will quickly learn to call on the frequency of the last station and
the pileup will become unreadable. Spread 'em out. I call it the 'never twice'
mode of operating. 

Looking forward to it. 

73, Bill W6WRT

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