rick darwicki n6pe at yahoo.com
Sun Mar 1 20:05:50 PST 2009

As it turned out I was left alone for the day so I used the Party as a shake down test.
The traps in my inverted L used to heat up and change frequency so I built bigger ones with heavy wire.
I ran 500 Watts for long CQs on 40 and 80 with no problems. The XYL got back about 9 pm so I had actually operated 11 hours with only 10-15 minute breaks here and there.
Along with testing the antenna and seeing how much glow I was getting out of the 3-500Z during long CQs, I spent a lot of time fine tuning the macros and playing with filters and shifts.
It was a great learning experience. One thing I did figure out...... my antennas will never get me much more than 60 Qs an hour unless I move them to someplace like KP5 hi hi.
It was amazing how some stations I could only copy with RITTY had such good ears they came back on the first call and didn't ask for a repeat. Others that were 20 over couldn't hear me worth a darn.
Soooo...... I'll submit a check log and upload to LOTW tomorrow.
Oh yeah, thanks to all the guys giving out the 599s  :-)
Band    QSOs   Sec   NA 
3.5         104      40    0 
7             73      34    0 
14         230       47    1 
21           16      10     2 
I'm ready for the next one...................

Rick, N6PE
Remember, E = M * C^2 was not the entire equation.

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