[RTTY] I just have to ask

Phil Sussman psussman at pactor.com
Sat Mar 7 13:51:35 PST 2009

I've been following this thread with great interest. The 'spirit' of a 
contest (RTTY or otherwise) is in the peaceful participation by all with
the least amount of disruption to others.

When the 'spirit' of the contest clashes with reality, it gives one pause.
When those in charge of a contest make undocumented and off the cuff rule
changes --even if they happen to reflect common sense -- many will take
offense. After all, who is able to follow the rules when they are changed
on the fly?

On the other hand, there needs to be a measure of common sense by the

What I see, of course, is NEITHER. There is no longer a sense of fair
play by many contesters, who strive to achieve another point at the 
expense of anyone on the band -- regardless of mode. And the contest
'leaders/managers/etc' are inclined to dictate behavior rather than
emulate it.

Such is the current state of contesting. Common sense is no longer common.

As a former contester, after reflection on these affairs, I no longer
participate in such mele-s'. During a contest, look for me on 18 or 12.


73 de Phil - N8PS


Quoting W0MU Mike Fatchett <w0mu at w0mu.com>:

> My problem has been the emails received where the beacon people would like
> me to believe those frequencies are theirs which is not correct.  They have
> no more right to use a frequency than any other licensed operator.
> 14100.00 nor any other frequency used by the beacon network is protected.
> If the FCC would like to step in and create protected frequencies great.
> That has not happened.  
> When a group tries to take a frequency and tells me I can't use it or a kc
> on either side then we  have a problem.  The beacons don't ever own the
> frequency.  They use a very finite band segment for automated hf operations.
> They are a shared user just like the rest of us.  QRM happens to all of us.

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