Jack West w7ld at theriver.com
Mon Mar 16 21:00:25 PDT 2009

I have been wondering about operating HF Amplifiers in RTTY mode.
It seems logical to me that when I run FSK it should be OK to operate
my amp in "CLASS C" vice a linear class of CLASS B or AB2.

My thinking is this:  In FSK it is essentially a CW signal operating on
two separate CW frerquencies, alternating, with a seperation of 170 hz.
Thus, it is OK to run my amp in maximum efficiency in Class C.

In the case of AFSK, it seems to me since the signal is generated by
audio tones, the amplifer needs to be operated in a linear fashion as
you would with any other sound card generated mode.

So am I right?  Can I get more horsepower out of my amp by running
it in Class C in FSK RTTY and not worrying about linearity?

Waiting to hear from the RTTY Gurus...
73 de
Jack / W7LD / "Lucky Dog"

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