Phil Cooper
pcooper at guernsey.net
Thu Mar 19 14:19:34 PDT 2009
VK2SG RTTY DX NOTES for week ending 19 March (BID RTDX0319)
Our information this week came from AA5AU, I5FLN, DJ3IW, UT5RP, GB7DXG and
the DX Summit, plus the NG3K site.
Thank you all.
Friday 13
0107-14084 V63PR
0112-7041 YV5SSB
0137-7043 P40YL
0311-24924 V63PR
0314-28084 V63PR
0434-14084 JT1DN
0501-21084 V63PR
0546-18104 V63PR
0757-14083 HL5BMX
1005-7035 V63PR
1021-18101 XW1B
1155-14085 P40YL
1205-1808 W5KDJ
1225-10143 JA1VND
1229-10143 LB9AE
1236-14082 TU5JM
1245-14083 TU5JM
1246-14083 VK2KM
1319-10145 JE2PMC
1322-10142 UA1ORK
1337-10144 UA9XJ
1403-10143 F2YT
1408-14080 YB0MJY
1443-7037 VK6IR
1512-14086 E20WXA
1514-10142 9M6XRO
1532-14083 4J9NM
1632-18104 ZS2EZ
1731-7041 7Z1HB
1741-10141 TR8CA
1841-7038 R150AP
1844-14088 PY7ZZ
1849-10141 9K2YM
1849-7042 LZ131GO
1850-7041 TA4A
1905-10141 YO3RU
1911-14083 CX/SP9MRO
2012-3584 9K2YM
2048-14086 OX3DB
2100-14085 D2QMN
2158-14081 TG9AHM
2235-14083 XE2IUX
2350-7040 PU5OGE/P
Saturday 14
0023-7034 P40YL
0037-14084 V63PR
0419-21084 V63PR
0420-14085 6M0MM
0554-28084 V63PR
0605-14089 UN3M
0630-10144 V63PR
0651-14086 D2QMN
0743-10144 LB9AE
0857-21084 V63PR
0923-14083 C56YK
1014-14080 EA8TU
1111-14086 YB0KYM
1139-14087 DV1JM
1158-18105 CX4AAJ
1208-10144 V63PR
1209-14089 UK7AZ
1229-14085 VR2XMT
1233-14090 XW1B
1234-21080 PY2UN
1255-14085 HK6K
1305-18103 3A2LF
1335-14084 E20WXA
1438-14088 D44TXR
1446-14076 JY4NE
1510-14120 HL5BMX
1513-14092 SV9CVY
1516-14087 SV5AZP
1544-14084 9Y4D
1603-14087 YI1RAZ
1631-7040 4J9NM
1650-14081 TN5SN
1716-14087 EA6ADM
1747-14082 FM1FV
1757-14083 EA9IB
1828-14087 7Q7HB
1842-14086 GI0KVQ
1904-10144 EA6TT
1906-14089 EA8/DL3KVR
1908-14085 IS0BMX
1958-14091 D44TXI
2003-14081 9H1SP
2117-7041 5Z4/DL8NBE
2132-14083 PY7ZZ
2137-7042 EA9IB
2150-7040 YY5CBK
2152-18100 P40YL
2234-14082 XE2YHR
2235-14082 HR1RTF
2257-14082 FM1FV
2307-14084 P40YL
2313-14087 YV4AB
2316-14088 XE2MX
2325-14081 YV5IAL
Sunday 15
0148-14084 E20WXA
0235-14091 V63PR
0345-18104 V63PR
0652-14088 D2QMN
0655-18107 TN5SN
0728-21080 9K2YM
0832-14091 D44TXI
0847-10142 V63PR
0848-14081 TN5SN
0935-14086 DS1JFY
1105-14089 TF3IRA
1109-21098 TN5SN
1114-1808 W5KDJ
1127-14086 JY4NE
1158-10144 UN7TK
1207-14084 VK6DU
1210-18104 CX4AAJ
1217-14084 D44TXI
1218-3522 V63PR
1220-14089 UK7AZ
1228-14083 VR2XMT
1238-14087 LX/EA5GVJ
1302-14083 ZS6PVT
1403-14087 TF3PPN
1435-14092 6W2SC
1506-14083 ER3ZZ
1510-14095 TF3GB
1517-14089 TF3AO
1519-21090 PU5OGE/P
1527-14093 JY4NE
1538-14090 TF3HP
1616-14086 YI1RAZ
1631-14086 TR8CA
1642-14086 6W2SC
1659-14081 MI0KPA
1707-14087 5Z4/DL8NBE
1750-14079 9H1SP
1825-14083 KD4POJ North Dakota
1921-14089 TG9SM
1934-14087 YV4AB
1934-14088 TG9SM
1936-14081 P40YL
1947-10140 D44TXO
2016-7039 TF3GB
2126-14083 XE1GRR
2142-10143 DK0EE
2153-14082 TG9AHM
2227-14080 PP5/OE9APV
2255-14084 KL7J
2322-14080 XW1B
Monday 16
0123-14090 KH6ZM
0203-7033 JY4NE
0513-14077 UN3M
0558-7072 KH7XS
0619-14070 KH7XS
0834-10141 HE8TUD
1147-14081 VR2XMT
1220-14090 V25WY
1233-14089 UN1L
1254-14087 UK7AZ
1259-14090 VU2SWS
1302-14086 EX8AB
1306-14083 J28KO
1318-14085 OX3WS
1325-14087 3A2LF
1335-14083 A71CT
1348-14087 XE3RR
1350-14090 TF3GC
1427-14084 YI1RAZ
1452-14080 UK9AA
1530-14083 FM5AA
1619-14088 5Z4/DL8NBE
1636-14091 6W2SC
1636-14082 XE1GRR
1648-14085 TF3PNN
1714-14089 D44TXR
1745-14093 9H1SP
1748-7040 4J9NM
1802-14094 KH6MB
1828-7040 7Z1HB
1830-7040 4J9NM
1841-7038 UN3M
1930-14085 PJ7/W8EB
2004-14086 EA8BLU
2038-14087 EA9IB
2102-7045 UK9AA
2111-7041 5Z4/DL8NBE
2114-7040 FM5AA
2120-7043 TF3GB
2120-14085 HR1RTF
2143-14081 TG9AHM
2148-14088 P40YL
2157-7041 SV5AZP
2219-14084 D44TXR
2220-14082 FG5FI
2222-14084 JD1BMM
2225-14071 XE3RR
2241-7043 P40YL
2309-14083 ZP5CGL
2317-14083 6M0MM
2323-14080 HL5BMX
2350-14085 KH6MB
Tuesday 17
0109-14084 KH6ZM
0151-14081 XE1XLZ
1018-1808 W5KDJ
1104-14084 D44TXP
1157-14087 FM5AA
1210-14084 TF3GC
1234-14082 4K9W
1236-14090 UN1L
1245-14084 EA8FQ
1325-14088 HV0A
1402-10142 V63PR
1403-14086 OX3WS
1444-14103 D44TXF
1507-18105 6W2SC
1509-14086 YI1RAZ
1523-14084 PJ7/W8EB
1530-14080 ET3AA
1552-14081 KD4POJ
1652-14082 EA6NB
1659-10139 GM4FDM
1705-14080 3V8ST
1743-10142 3A2LF
1745-14087 KH6BM
1746-14081 KH7XS
1747-10144 TF3PPN
1754-10143 EA8OM
1759-14086 EC8ADW
1801-14083 5Z4/DL8NBE
1802-21081 PU5ATX
1802-10140 5U5U
1811-14088 KD4POJ
1846-14082 FM1FV
1849-14088 VQ9LA
1907-14085 CX6DAP
1913-14083 FG5LA
1925-10141 F5SNZ
1959-14082 EA9IB
2004-14092 6W2SC
2004-14084 5Z4ES
2021-7040 EA9IB
2035-14084 OX3WS
2105-10143 YO5BBO
2113-10143 JA1VND
2116-14081 VK2KM
2129-10145 PJ2MI
2204-14087 YV4AB
2215-7042 PJ2MI
2217-14082 TG9AHM
2229-7041 TA4A
2341-14085 XE1GRR
Wenesday 18
0019-14085 AH6RR
0223-14039 CP6UA
0727-18107 JH0NBN
0754-14080 HL5BMX
0800-18101 UK9AA
0805-14092 V51AS
0829-18105 XW1B
0951-14088 JT1DN
1002-10140 D44TXP
1118-1808 W5KDJ
1136-14089 FM5AA
1212-14085 TU5JM
1302-14088 FM1HN
1308-10140 V63PR
1308-14088 UK7AZ
1319-14081 D44TXP
1329-14090 V25WY
1344-18108 YO5BBO
1353-14088 YI1RAZ
1404-14082 HV5PUL
1418-7032 V63PR
1420-14084 TF3GC
1431-14085 CO1RG
1452-14084 TR8CA
1507-14093 9H1SP
1546-14086 A61CK
1547-14082 UN3M
1554-14088 V55SRT
1635-14085 OX3WS
1636-14088 D44TXF
1646-14089 WP4U
1653-10144 UK9AA
1706-14092 TU5JM
1759-10142 TF3PPN
1839-14084 VP5/N4PJ
1857-14082 KD4POJ
1920-18096 D44TXR
1931-10142 EA6TT
2011-7038 UN3M
2026-14086 CU2JT
2038-14086 KL7J
2103-14084 VK2KM
2117-10143 XW1B
2121-7038 UN3M
2133-14081 8P9NX
2133-14081 OX3DB
2146-14087 YV4AB
2320-14083 FM1FV
2351-7044 8P9NX
2358-7041 FM1FV
Thursday 19
0025-14082 PY2ZA
0027-3588 8P9NX
0105-10145 WP4U
0207-10136 XE2AUB
0810-18102 TR8CA
0822-21082 UN3M
0826-18103 JS6RRR
0840-14085 D44TXR
0841-14085 JT1DN
0848-14089 EA9IB
1013-18102 JD1BMM
1018-18103 XW1B
1113-14082 FM1FV
1116-14085 BD5BAJ
1141-1808 W5KDJ
1142-14087 HL5OC
1152-14083 FM5AA
1201-14083 VR2XMT
1211-14081 PJ2MI
1230-14090 UN1L
1232-14085 VP5/N4PJ
1237-14083 CO8LY
1301-14083 CO1RG
1309-14087 XE1M
1324-14086 DV1JM
1328-18104 OZ5NJ
1349-14085 J28KO
1351-14079 V25WY via W4OWY
1353-18105 4Z5LR
1408-18103 D44TXS
1415-14083 TF3GC
1426-18101 NZ4O
1435-18105 V5EAS
1436-18101 DG1VL
1438-18104 EA1CJ
1451-18104 EA1CJ
1512-10139 YO5BBO
1540-21082 WP4U
1639-10147 WP4U
1709-14090 TF3PPN
1716-14090 9H1SP
1725-14092 D44TXP
1803-14083 VP5/N4PJ
1803-14091 8P9NX
1803-10139 YO5BBO
1930-14092 D44TXF
2013-14092 CX7TT
2020-14087 YV4AB
2028-10143 CT4KG
2112-14082 P40YL
Notes of interest:
This weekend is the BARTG HF Contest.
See www.bartg.org.uk for the full rules.
Turks & Caicos Is. VP5, till Mar 24, by N4PJ as VP5/N4PJ
QSL to home call
Mariana Is. KH0, till Mar 22, by JI3DNN as KH0/KI3DNN fm Saipan
QSL to home call
Haiti HH4, Mar 23 - Apr 03, by K4QD as HH4/K4QD and AF4Z as HH4/AF4Z
QSL to home calls
Lord Howe Is, VK9LA, Mar 24 - Apr 03, by multinational team.
Isle of Man, GT4BRS/GT6BRS, Mar 28 - Apr 04, by GW0ANA MW0USK DJ9ZB DJ8NK
Mozambique, C91FC, Apr 09 - 13, by a team from ON and ZS.
QSL info:
V63PR via JJ8DEN
Yoshitake Izumi
7 Minami-24 Nishi-1 Obihiro-city,
Hokkaido 080-0011,
Eugene Shelkanovtcev
PO Box 70
Orel, 302028
C56YK via ON7YK
Andre Bourbon
Route de xhoffraix 30
4970 Hockai-Stavelot,
The VK2SG RTTY DX NOTES are distributed every week via the
Winlink network, and are also available on the Internet at
URL http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/vk2sg-rtty
and the digital-dx reflector.
To subscribe to the digital-dx reflector, send an e-mail
message to majordomo at mla.nifty.ne.jp as follows:
Subject:(blank) Message Body: subscribe digital-dx
For next week's bulletin, send your bandpass and notes of
interest to Dima ut5rp at te.net.ua
73 es Good RTTY DXing
GL and GD RTTY DX de
Phil Cooper GU0SUP email pcooper at guernsey.net
Guernsey IOTA EU-114 www.guernsey.net/~pcooper
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