[RTTY] Strange happening Sprint log

Dick White whiter26 at sbcglobal.net
Sun Oct 11 08:35:06 PDT 2009

I use N1MM for contesting and did my first attempt at the NA RTTY Sprint
this weekend. It was hectic for a while, especially when my sr# would not
increment. I had to restart another log to get it to work just 15 minutes
into the contest. I made a few mistakes but had a lot of fun. N1MM made a
Cabrillo log and I sent it in. But, it was kicked back telling me the log
was 203 days 9 hours and 39 minutes after the deadline and the Cabrillo
format was wrong.
I sent it to the address found in the WA7BNM Contest Calendar
<rttysprint at ncjweb.com/sprintlogsubmit.php >
I then went to the NCJ web site and sent the same log to <
rttysprint at ncjweb.com > and the log was accepted.

Evidently the WA7BNM address is not up to date, or something.

 Band    QSOs    Pts  Sec
   3.5      11      11    4
     7      34      34   18
    14       7      7    2
 Total      52      52   24
Score: 1,248

73 Dick

Richard C. "Dick" White
Fulton, MO. 65251  U.S.A.
whiter26 at sbcglobal.net

Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply.
Speak kindly. Leave the rest to GOD.

Amateur Radio Station - KS0M

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