[RTTY] 160m in RTTY Contests

Fabi va2up va2up at live.ca
Mon Oct 26 19:02:36 PDT 2009

Hi Ed,

I would tend to favor a dedicated 160M contest before integrating top band to existing contest formats. I know for one that I already have a rough time trying to keep up on 40 and 80M from limited location, I couldn't even start thinking about figuring out an antenna system (that works)  for 160. I think a good chunk of contesters are in a similar situation and this would probably just open the gap even more between top stations and ...the rest of us :)

I would give a 160M contest an honest try and see in time how to improve the setup for more competitiveness. I don't know how many of you regularly experience unwelcomed behavior on 40M during a contest and if so what would the reaction be on 160?  times 4? Hope not...


My two cents, 73


Fabi va2up
> From: w0yk at msn.com
> To: rtty at contesting.com; topband at contesting.com
> Date: Mon, 26 Oct 2009 12:24:57 -0700
> Subject: [RTTY] 160m in RTTY Contests
> Most (all?) RTTY contests prohibit operation on 160 meters. Yet, a number
> of RTTY contesters have asked that it be added. I'd like to hear your
> thoughts on this topic, pro and con. In particular, I'm thinking about the
> CQ WPX RTTY and CQ WW RTTY contests.
> Ed - W0YK
> CQ RTTY Contest Director
> -----------------------------------------------
> Ed Muns
> Muns Vineyard - www.munsvineyard.com 
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