[RTTY] Topband: 160m in RTTY Contests

KL7RA kl7ra at ptialaska.net
Mon Oct 26 20:53:57 PDT 2009

Hi Ed

>I'd like to hear your thoughts on this topic, pro and con.  In particular, I'm 
>thinking about the CQ WPX RTTY and CQ WW RTTY contests.

Having operated RTTY in the WPX and WW and of course CW in all
the topband contests I vote, "No". In fact I also vote to get rid of SSB
on topband but that may be pushing my luck.

160 has a narrow cw band and the two modes don't blend well.

How about above 1950 to 2000 in the next rtty contest as a test. That
should warm up a few shacks as the cheap tuners catch fire.

73 Rich KL7RA  (new guy on rtty contesting, don't run me off) 

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