[RTTY] Strange XE Contest exchanges

RW4WZ rw4wz at udm.net
Wed Feb 10 09:06:13 PST 2010


> Kinda silly.
> (1) it is *very* slow to transmit under USOS (it forces a 
> FIGS right after each of the space characters above, not to 
> mention the time to transmit the spaces themselves),
> (2) it does not help when the receiver is non-USOS user, and 
> the additional characters just add more probability of errors,
> (3) when transmitted from a non-USOS transmitter, the above 
> will print QWERTY-gibberish on a USOS receiver.
> If you are transmitting with USOS, why not just use something 
> simple like "599 001 001" and "599-OR-OR".  Both USOS and 
> non-USOS receivers can copy those transmissions; notice the 
> difference when transmitting numbers or letters exchanges.  
> Just don't transmit "599 OR OR,"  
> otherwise a non-USOS station will never copy you, no matter 
> how many times you repeat.

How about to transmit  "599 <NUMBERS>001 001" for both USOS
and non-USOS ?

<NUMBERS> - MixW command to force numbers in RTTY

Yes, it is longer but more reliable. Finally we spend less time
in whole contest instead of repeating number several times.




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