Jerry Flanders jeflanders at comcast.net
Sun Jan 24 16:41:23 PST 2010

Decoding is timing dependent. When TX is 50 baud, a RX modem 
expecting 45 baud can't decode it.

Jerry W4UK

At 06:13 PM 1/24/2010, you wrote:
>I have definitely noticed the speed difference when strict bps is checked in
>the router for my MK2R+ but when I uncheck it, slight hesitations in the
>timing are noticeable but have never had any comments about this and it
>doesn't seem to affect copy at all.  When you get into that rhythm, however,
>the slow speed is just too annoying so until someone can give me a good
>to do otherwise, I'll leave it unchecked.
>Along the same lines, maybe someone with a little more knowledge about RTTY
>can answer this.  When "strict bps" is checked, there is a definite decrease
>in baud
>rate, maybe as much as 5 wpm but copy doesn't seem to be affected at the
>end.  However, when I try to compensate by changing the mode from 45.45 to
>in MMTTY to get the speed back up, there is no copy at all.  Are there
>characters sent
>to identify the baud rate used?
>73, Doug - N7NM

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