[RTTY] 200 hz filter on RTTY

Jeff Blaine AC0C keepwalking188 at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 1 13:01:41 PDT 2010

Thank you Chen, I am happy to have remembered the summary of your earlier 

I find using an extremely narrow crystal filter to be difficult for the 
tuning reason you mentioned.  In S&P especially, contest exchanges may not 
be very long in duration making tuning with an extremely sharp crystal 
filter actually counter productive.

My preference is to use a bit wider filter, about 300-500 hz, for the 
crystal side.  And then let the demod program DSP "pull" the signal from 
that - my experience (limited by this group standards, of course) is that 
the MMTTY program when presented with a pretty small window can AFC well in 
cooperation with the operator - if the bandwidth from the rig (either rig 
crystal or DSP sourced) has both tones within this 300-500 hz passband.

Maybe some day I will upgrade to Mac so I can use Coco.  Right?


From: "Kok Chen" <chen at mac.com>
Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2010 2:47 PM
To: "RTTY Reflector" <rtty at contesting.com>
Cc: "Jeff Blaine AC0C" <keepwalking188 at yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [RTTY] 200 hz filter on RTTY

> On Jun 1, 2010, at 11:05 AM, Jeff Blaine AC0C wrote:
>> The stronger the signal being heard, the less
>> reliance there is on the power contained in the sidebands.  So the 325 hz
>> number discussed earlier on the board some time back is I think inclusive 
>> of
>> the first 2 sidebands on either side.  Hope I have that right...
> Let me see if I can make it a little cleared with the three "filter 
> selection" (my excuse is English is not my first language, HI HI):
> (1) To pass the first keying sideband completely, you need to pass 215 Hz 
> worth of perfectly centered RTTY signal to the demodulator.
> When the SNR is good, you can get 100% print even if you don't pass the 
> higher order terms of the keying sideband.  215 Hz is all the bandwidth 
> you need (if you are perfectly centered on the signal) when the signal is 
> loud.
> (2) If the filter does not pass 215 Hz, then the demodulator will throw a 
> finite amount of error even when you have extremely good SNR.
> In this case, no matter how clean and clear the signal is, you will always 
> see some error.  Notice you can even copy an RTTY signal, but the error 
> rate will be quite high.
> (3) Being able to include at least the third harmonic of the keying 
> sidebands will help improve copy under marginal SNR conditions if there is 
> no QRM within this wider passband.
> Also, a matched filter will only help if you are right at the threshold of 
> the bit error curve.  When the SNR is very high, a additional 1 dB to 2 dB 
> of sensitivity improvement won't be noticed (no one can tell the 
> difference between one error hit in 1000 characters and 2 error hits in 
> 1000 characters).
> When there is any selective fades or flutter, you will also not notice any 
> improvement with a filter that is matched to the keying sidebands of the 
> signal.  A matched filter can get you a dB or two improvement.  Take a 
> look again at VE3NEA's curves http://www.dxatlas.com/RttyCompare/ .
> Notice in the AWGN curve that 1 dB shift along the SNR axis can move the 
> character error rate significantly, by a factor of more than 2 in error 
> rate around the detection threshold.
> Now look at the Selective Fading case... a 1 dB shift along the SNR axis 
> does not improve the character error rate noticeably (unless you are doing 
> a long term statistical study).
> Also notice in all cases that once SNR is very good (the right hand side 
> of the plots), a 1 dB change in SNR again won't make any difference in 
> perceived error rate.
> In practice...
> 215 Hz will be almost impossible to tune quickly without some software aid 
> such as a crossed banana.  A 215 Hz only helps when there is QRM close by. 
> That is why most people don't recommend filters that are narrower than 250 
> Hz to 300 Hz.
> On the other side of the coin, a matched filter is only helpful when you 
> are trying to dig out that really weak signal that you can't seem to copy 
> even when bands are stable and there is no QRM.  A wider I.F. filter 
> together with a matched filter in the software can help to dig out the 
> weak DX operating split as long as no one is transmitting close to the DX' 
> frequency.
> Remember than filter width in all the 3 cases above can be achieved in 
> either hardware or in software.  As long as the sound card is not 
> clipping, there are advantages to using a wider I.F. filter and select the 
> filter you need in software.
> All that being said... an antenna with good directivity can easily give 
> you many dB of better SNR; easily better than any demodulator tweeks that 
> you can make.  If you have a SteppIR, it is more important to adjust for 
> best directivity than for maximum gain (they often do, but don't 
> necessarily happen at the same point).  With digital mode copying, it is 
> all about SNR and "loudness" has nothing directly to do with how well you 
> can copy.
> When there is fading, diversity reception can also help tremendously with 
> digital modes.  Just look at the difference in SNR threshold in the VE3NEA 
> AWGN plot (no fading) with his flat fading plot (Rayleigh channel with no 
> multipath) and his Selective fading plot (Rayleigh channel with two 
> paths).
> 73
> Chen, W7AY

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