Shelby Summerville k4ww at arrl.net
Mon Nov 15 12:56:07 PST 2010

I had the pleasure of meeting Tom, at Dayton. I slept many times, since, so I don't remember the year. We shared many of the same ideas, and I post this, not to open the proverbial "can of worms", but as a tribute to the memory of Tom Moore, WX4TM.
RIP,  my friend.

HEAR YE, HEAR YE Oh Fine Gentlemen and Ladies of RTTY Contesting:

(note: nobody else in this group ever recognizes the ladies)

WHEREAS WHEN ALL ELSE IS EQUAL, the addition of a SECOND radio is and has 
been proven to be a significant contesting advantage, often greater than the 
High Power advantage, as shown by resultant contest scores and acclaimed to 
by many top ranking SO2R participants; and

WHEREAS it is indeed important to recognize the outstanding achievements and 
contributions of SO2R operation in the contesting sport; and

WHEREAS such recognition in the same contesting class as SO1R, results in 
absolutely no recognition for outstanding achievement of SO1R operation; and

WHEREAS the cost of implementing an EFFICIENT and COMPETITIVE SO2R 
contesting station is far beyond the means of the majority of SO1R 
competitors; then

THEREFORE let it be known and resolved once and for all that the inclusion 
of SO2R in the same completive class with SO1R is and has been grossly unfair 
to the achievements of SO1R competition, and

WHEREAS the ARRL and other contest sponsors have consistently refused to 
acknowledge much less discuss this unfair advantage; and

WHEREAS the relentless pleading for a separate SO1R category has received 
unfounded ridicule and summary dismissal without due consideration of the 
facts; and

WHEREAS there is and has been for a long time NO recognition for achievement 
of Single Radio operators which represent, by far, the majority of all RTTY 
contesters; then

HENCEFORTH let it be known that the Society for the Recognition and Support 
of SO1R Contesting (SRSSO1RC) will sponsor awards for the achievements of 
this majority, yet over neglected class; and

THEREFORE let it be recorded that continued failure to recognize SO1R 
participation and achievement in RTTY contests by contest sponsors may 
ultimately call for the summary refusal of SO1R participation and subsequent 
establishment of new contests with
rules favoring achievements of SO1R participation.

Now Oh Ye Fine Gentlemen and Ladies, let your flaming arrows descend upon 
these truths. For it is the crookedness of your arrow's shaft, the stench of 
your arrow's ashes and the dullness of your arrow's point that will 
ultimately assert the validity of this long over due Proclamation!

C'Ya, Shelby - K4WW

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