Mike k4gmh at arrl.net
Wed Nov 17 18:22:24 PST 2010

Very sad to read about Tom's passing.  Looked forward to working him in the
contests on as many bands as possible.  We had 211 contest QSOs from 2001
until the last one on 80 meters in the 2010 CQ WW DX RTTY Contest.  I'll
miss you Tom.

On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 8:23 AM, John Wingard <jwin2485 at bellsouth.net>wrote:

> Just a brief note for the RTTY contesters on the list here.....
> Tom Moore, WX4TM, passed away Sunday, November 14th after a brief battle
> with cancer. Until recently, Tom was an active RTTY contester and I thought
> that his RTTY friends would like to know. Please keep Tom's XYL Mary, WX4MM,
> and the rest of their family in your prayers.
> 73 de John, WB4GLJ
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   Mike, K4GMH

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