[RTTY] SARTG Reminder

SM7BHM contest at sartg.com
Sun Oct 3 13:19:09 PDT 2010


Dear RTTY friend,


It is still not to late to send in your log for SARTG WW Rtty contest 21-22

We appreciate all logs, every log is used for cross checking of the other

Your log will help to make the results more accurate.


If you send us a log, and NOT get an answer from me back, the log are lost.

Our email provider have had a major problem a few weeks ago.


All received logs could be find at www.sartg.com <http://www.sartg.com/>
log`s received last week will be on list in a few days.


You can send your log as a check log if want.


Cabrillo format is preferred but we also accept other ASCII formats.

But please no Word, Excel or ADIF files as they are time consuming to


Dead line for logs is October 10. Send your log to  contest at sartg.com



SM7BHM  Ewe HÃ¥kansson 

SARTG Contest manager

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