[RTTY] GU0SUP 10m RTTY Contest (SOLP)

Phil Cooper pcooper at guernsey.net
Sun Dec 4 14:27:14 PST 2011

Hi all,

Well, the band closed earlier than I had expected at around 1730UTC here.
I wasn't able to put in much of an effort this morning, and during the
couple of hours spent there, it was good fun, but a little slow at times. I
did manage 2 VU stations, which was pleasant, and also managed to work
VP2MWG for a new band-slot, despite a rather unruly pile -up.
However, there was a huge number of PSK (63??) stations (and JT65 signals)
in the 28070 to 28080 section, and at times they extended well above 28080.
I guess there must have been a PSK contest of some sort. 
After a satisfying Sunday roast, the band opened nicely to W/VE, and that
made up the bulk of my QSO's.  I also bagged PJ2/K2PLF for yet another new
band-slot, so I was a happy man.

I was rather taken aback by the number of loud stations from Colorado
Only one station from NV, but several from AZ too. Had a small run after
CQ'ing, and a spot from someone, although it only lasted about an hour,
which was fine by me. That gave me chance to hunt for some more mults, of
which I found a few - SD and AR spring to mind.

Most of the contest was run at around 70 watts output, and I was amazed at
just how many stations copied me well. I did turn the power up to 100W for
the PJ2 and VP2-M stations though!

States worked:
CT   MA   NH   NJ   NY   PA   AL   FL   GA   KY   NC   SC   
TN   VA   AR   LA   MS   NM   TX   CA   AZ   NV   OH   
WV   IL   IN   WI   CO   IA   KS   MN   MO   SD   

Provinces worked:
NB   NS   PE   QC   ON   BC   

5B    CT3   EA8   HA    HZ    I     KP2   KP4   LU    LZ    OH    
P4    PJ2   PY    S5    SM    SV    TF    UA    UA9   UN    UR    
VP2M  VU    YL    YO    YV    ZC4   

So, my claimed score is made up of this:
Total:  QSOs = 120  State/Prov = 39  Countries = 28  Total Score = 8,040

Thanks to all for the contacts, and my log is already on LoTW.

73 all


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