[RTTY] Re the 10m RTTY contest
Robert Chudek - K0RC
k0rc at citlink.net
Mon Dec 5 12:57:11 PST 2011
There will be all kinds of explanations ("excuses') for that.
1) They didn't read the rules
2) It was a choice in their contest setup (QRP/LP/HP) and it defaulted to HP
3) They were active but won't send in a log
4) They will send in a Checklog
5) They wanted to see how it felt to be a "Top Gun" station, walking
over all the other signals
6) "Life's too short for 100 Watts" mindset?
Am I missing any??? :-)
This was an interesting contest for RTTY, with 10 meters only. It forced
everyone to stay on that band (obviously) and revealed peculiarities in
propagation. Well, at least for me it did. I enjoyed the contest but
could not devote 100% effort this time. It was amazing to see all the
signals up into the "nose bleed" frequencies!
BTW, if anyone wants to run their log through one of my Log Analyzers,
you can download the latest ARRL RU analyzer and import your log into
that version. Here's the link to the download page: *
73 de Bob - KØRC in MN
On 12/5/2011 2:38 PM, Phil Cooper wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've just seen the 3830 summary for this contest, and I am a little
> puzzled.....
> The rules clearly state (3.) 100 watts output maximum.
> And yet, some have put themselves into the HP category!
> I am assuming they thought that as there is no QRP category, or only ONE
> power level, they would use the HP section in the 3830 form?
> But, having said that, I suspect that several stations were using a bit more
> than 100 watts.
> I heard several EU/AS stations that were so loud they had copyable signals
> above and below their Tx frequency. Maybe overdriven AFSK can account for
> that as well, but these stations were end-stopping on the meter, whereas
> most folk were S6 - S9.
> Over the past months, I have found it better to reduce output power,
> especially when CQ'ing. In WAEDC and CQWW, I was down to around 50 or 60W
> out, and in this one, I ran at about 70 watts, apart from calling the VP2
> and the PJ2, for which I pushed out the full 100!
> Just my thoughts.....................
> 73 all
> Phil GU0SUP
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