[RTTY] 10m RTTY power levels

Robert Chudek - K0RC k0rc at citlink.net
Wed Dec 7 11:04:08 PST 2011

I hope my list of "reasons" isn't be taken as negative comments. My 
intent was to point out the variety of reasons participants may 
disregard the official rules. Unlike baseball, basketball, football, 
hockey where a person can not simply "join in, free-will", the 
excitement of many signals on a band can bring many non-competitors to 
the event. (Imagine sports addicts running out of the stands, flooding 
the playing field, and joining the fun! Well I guess they do that 
sometimes in soccer, I am told!)

That said, it should be expected those who submit a log to the sponsor 
and claim a category, that they actually operated within the limits of 
that category. And like someone else mentioned, my logger defaults to 
HP. There have been a few times I overlooked that setting until I saw 
the response from the contest robot. Then the correction was made and 
the log resubmitted. It would be nice if the 3830 reflector was 
reconfigured to act more like the contest robots... where you can resend 
a correction and it automatically replaces the previous upload.

All said, this new contest was a incredible success, with the band 
packed with RTTY signals from all around the world. Congratulations to 
Ed and Don for launching this new "fix" for RTTY addicts!

73 de Bob - KØRC in MN

On 12/7/2011 12:25 PM, W0MU Mike Fatchett wrote:
> I don't understand why the negative comments either.  If I am *not*
> going to submit a score then I can operate within the rules for my license.
> We have had great fun in Field Day running 1A  err  One Alpha...Alpha
> amplifier that is....and we have huge pileups.  We don't seem to get any
> complaints from all those that called.  Everyone on both sides seemed to
> be having fun so what is the issue?
> Contesting and Ham Radio is supposed to be fun.
> Mike W0MU
> W0MU-1 CC Cluster w0mu.net
> On 12/7/2011 11:21 AM, Phil Cooper wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I wasn't having a go at anyone with my comments, although I now see that it
>> may have appeared this way.
>> I am sure there are some that didn't read the rules, or planned to send in a
>> checklog anyway, and kudos to them for operating this way.
>> I did wonder if I had mis-read the rules in some way, as that wouldn't be
>> unknown either. I did re-check just to see if multi-op stations were allowed
>> high power, as that can be the case in some contests.
>> I also wanted to make sure that anyone who submitted a 3830 score under HP,
>> knew that this was probably in their Cabrillo file too, and to check!
>> Whichever way you look at it, this was a great contest, and it is good to
>> see 10m alive now.
>> There were some nice DX stations active, and my contact with VP2MWG has
>> already been confirmed on LoTW.
>> 73 all
>> Phil GU0SUP
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