[RTTY] Google map of your contacts

David Levine david at levinecentral.com
Thu Dec 22 12:09:59 PST 2011

Happy Holidays all!

I have put together a web application that reads an ADIF file generated
from your logging program and creates a Google map of the contacts. It
requires either a latitude/longitude or grid square be associated with each
contact in order for it to show up. Out of most contest loggers you won't
get the lat/long or grid square for each contact unless the contest uses
grid squares in the exchange, so you'll need to import the contest contacts
into a more general purchase logging program (DX Labs, Ham Radio Deluxe,
etc) and apply callbook data (QRZ, Hamcall, etc) to the records.

The web application is at http://www.levinecentral.com/adif2map if you want
to give it a shot. Though ADIF is a standard, each logging program's export
interpretation can be a little different, so if you find anything odd,
please email me directly at david at levinecentral.com. I also have the
beginnings of a FAQ linked to on the web app page.

Just a reminder that you will need a latitude/longitude or grid square
associated with each contact for it to show up on the map. If you get no
map points displayed or everything shows off the west coast of Africa
(latitude 0 / longitude 0) it's likely there isn't the necessary info to
map the contacts. A bit more info at
some screenshots.

Happy holidays all and I look forward to many contest Qs in 2012!

K2DSL - David

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