Ktfrog007 at aol.com Ktfrog007 at aol.com
Tue Feb 15 14:46:48 PST 2011

Hi John,
This happens when the shift character gets missed somewhere along the  
line.  In MMTTY if you right click on the alpha characters, they will  convert 
to numbers, and vice versa.  Manually you can figure it out by  going to the 
QWERTY line on the keyboard and going NW from the letter to the  number.  
That's how to explain the TOO you so often see - it's 599!   In your example 
QWI is 128.
Usually this happens just because the shift character (non-printing) gets  
scrambled like any other character, but I've seen some stations which had RF 
 feedback or some other problem and all their serial numbers are 
consistently  sent as characters.  They don't print that way on the transmitting  
station's screen, so they don't know what is going on.
Welcome to RTTY contesting.  Hope to work you many times.  I see  we have 
worked a number of times on CW.
Kermit, AB1J
In a message dated 2/15/2011 10:23:14 P.M. GMT Standard Time, john at kk9a.com 

I just  operated my second WPX RTTY contest and third RTTY contest ever and 
had a  great time on 20m.  On several occasions my MTTY decoder copied  the
serial numbers as letters.  I was able to copy everything else  fine during
these QSO's.  Is there a letter - number conversation  chart?  Also after
reading W0YK's contest summary on using multiple  configurations and 
, I am wondering if there is a site that would  show how to set this up and
which comercial decoder is the  best.   This is my first RTTY post and I 
that it makes it to  the list!

John  KK9A

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