[RTTY] NAQP and keyboard/mouse

Phil Cooper pcooper at guernsey.net
Sun Feb 27 11:11:20 PST 2011

Hi all,

Some very loud signals last night (Saturday evening around 1900UTC) on 20m
from various W's.
Many were stations I don't normally hear, or only hear weakly.
Some, such as Don AA5AU were seriously strong into EU, and others from the
west coast were pounding in here.
W6's were loud, and even W9/W0 were loud, and much louder than usual.
As I didn't have much time to spend in the contest, I didn't make an entry,
but I did hear a few EU signals trying to get the attention of the W's.
Did many of you work EU?

Also, on the debate about keyboard or mouse, I use both, and find that
sometimes, the keyboard is easier than the mouse, but sometimes, the mouse
is needed.
This may just depend on what software you are running too.
I use Writelog, partly because I am used to it, and like the way it
operates. I have it set so that I can tune the rig with the mouse wheel,
something you can't do with the keyboard (well, I can't find out how to
accomplish this).
Then there is the issue when you receive something like CQ DE AA5AU:LKHJGF,
and the call doesn't highlight, or only part of highlights. Then the
keyboard comes into play.
I cannot see a situation where I would want to do without one or the other.
Both have a use, and I make the most of that.
Chen mentioned touchscreens too. Interesting, and I did look at one the
other day.
But, my problem with that is that my screen is not close enough to touch
comfortably. I have two monitors, placed far enough away to allow me to see
and register what is shown on both, ie, they are just about arm's length
I once tried the buttons application by Keith Regli, but after moving to
Win7, have not found a way to install them and make them work.
It was quite nice to have buttons to click on to send macros, but I find
that the F-keys do the job nicely.
To that end, I have several card overlays I use, which I place over the
F-keys, depending on the contest. 
One handles contests with serial numbers, another does contests with CQ
Zone, and another is solely for the WAEDC.

Sorry for the rather long waffle, but I just wanted to say that for me, both
have a place!

73 all


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