[RTTY] software

Dieselcar dieselcar at aol.com
Thu Jan 13 18:46:53 PST 2011


I ran 2m RTTY AutoStart  for more than 15 years starting about 1975. I became of tired seeing black boxes at the end of lines on my yellow roll of paper. Therefore, I installed an AUTO CR/LF in both Models 28KSR and 28ASR. Old GREEN KEY'ers know about the STUNTBOX. 

I still have above machines along wid a 14 RE-PERFORATOR.  Imagine leaving a Model 28ASR on AUTOSTART copying RTTY signals on a R-392/URR Receiver tuned to UPI,  or AP or REUTERS all day while I was at work. When I returned home, there was an un-edit copy of daily news on my Teletype Machine. Glad that I had an auto paper winder. HI HI

Old GREEN KEYERS know that backdrop or background noise while Walter Cronkite was giving news was Model 28's.

Hey!  This subject is about software. Hummm!  Flashback! 

ue Rick W4UEF ex WB2UEF

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