Dick White whiter26 at sbcglobal.net
Mon Jan 24 10:10:34 PST 2011

I had some fun in the BARTG SPRINT> Worked 186 Q's and a score of 49,104

There were two posts about the BARTG exchange that I disagree with. Both
operators stated all they need from a call was the serial number. They did
not want the call sign. I sent NR NR NR KS0M as my exchange in S&P. Here is
one reason why sending only the serial number can be a problem. The band was
crowded, I answered a call, when he replied all I got was "KS0" and callers
on each side of him blasted his reply and I could not copy. I sent "AGN
AGN". Due to the QRM I never got his exchange. I use a 250 HZ filter in
contests and the two close by calls were on the edge of my band pass. I was
going to call him again but then I copied him sending "TU KS0M QRZ BARTG" He
evidently copied the exchange of one of the other close by station who sent
a serial number only. I did not send an exchange. Had the one sending a
number only exchange added hic call, the op I was trying to work would have
realized it was not from me. As a result, he is not in my log, I lost a
contact and he will lose a contact because and maybe be penalized because he
is not in my log. We both wasted out time.
You can keep you exchange too short. I want to make sure in an exchange that
we both know who we are working.

73  Dick  KS0M

Richard C. "Dick" White
Fulton, MO. 65251  U.S.A.
whiter26 at sbcglobal.net

Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply.
Speak kindly. Leave the rest to GOD.

Amateur Radio Station - KS0M

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