[RTTY] 2011 DLDC RTTY - All 3830 Claimed Scores 17Jun2011
Bill, W6WRT
dezrat1242 at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 17 07:36:49 PDT 2011
2011 DLDC RTTY - All 3830 Claimed Scores 17Jun2011
NOTE: This list is NOT a list of submitted logs received by the contest sponsor.
It is based solely on the claimed scores posted to the 3830 reflector via the
web forms available at the 3830 Score Web Page shown below.
Submit logs by: Aug 1, 2011
E-mail logs to: dldc at drcg.de
Mail logs to:
3830 Score Web Page - http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
Submission info ( tnx WA7BNM) - http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/
Contest Station Database - http://conteststations.com/
73 dink
Call Qs Pts Mlt Cnt hr Score Club
All Multi-Op HP
AA4YL(@W4HOD) 124 1116 53 5 18 295,740 ACG
N2BJ 89 1049 32 4 6 134,272 SMC
Call Qs Pts Mlt Cnt hr Score Club
5B4AIF 675 9227 178 6 18 9,854,436
LT0H(LU3HY) 330 10189 109 5 10 5,553,005 LU Contest Group
OH8A(OH8WW) 676 4961 166 6 4,941,156
K4GMH 436 6214 112 5 10 3,468,640 PVRC
DM5TI 420 4730 145 5 20 3,429,250 DRCG
VK3TDX 179 7219 94 5 7 3,212,455 VK Contest Club
GM0FGI 455 2765 134 6 20 2,223,060 GMDX Group
F5CQ 296 3152 105 6 10 1,985,760 Les Nouvelles DX
ZM2B 137 4777 70 5 10 1,671,950
WB2RHM/4 238 2694 89 6 15.6 1,438,596 Mecklenburg ARS
K7VC 205 2892 67 6 12.0 1,162,584 NCCC
W6WRT 232 3201 62 5 9:15 992,310
NN4MM(K9MUG) 177 1955 70 5 11 684,250 ACG
K4HMB 202 2565 65 4 6.5 666,900 SECC
W6SX 153 1416 44 4 249,216 NCCC
VA7ST 62 881 27 4 3 95,148
Call Qs Pts Mlt Cnt hr Score Club
SO7B 87111111 164 4 652,889,304
KB3LIX 150 1902 69 5 656,190 Allegheny Valley Rad
DJ1OJ 181 1482 88 5 8 652,080
EA5DKU 203 1398 55 5 503,280
VE3YF 125 1691 59 5 12 Hr 498,845 CCO
W3DQN 134 1500 58 5 435,000
K0KX 146 1822 56 4 7 408,128 MWA
N2JDQ 111 881 19 4 ALL 148,008
VE3AJ 102 1010 36 4 145,440 CCO
W3BUI 79 704 38 4 4.2 107,008
DL/HB9SVT 58 202 32 3 19,392 DRCG
KH6GMP(KH5GMP) 18 307 11 3 24 10,131
KC4HW 27 27 16 2 .5 864 ACG
Call Qs Pts Mlt Cnt hr Score Club
HZ1FI 270 3764 81 5 1,524,420 BCC
DJ3IW 172 2142 87 6 6 1,118,124 DRCG
W1BYH 188 2388 76 5 5:50 907,440 CTRI
K4WW 140 1797 56 5 6 503,160 DCDXA
N0XR 178 1664 50 5 6.5 416,000 Iowa DX and Contest
W4UK 177 1671 54 4 6 360,936
AL9A 92 1637 40 5 3:30 327,400
DC3HB 118 1053 60 5 5:56 315,900 DRCG
S53M(S51FB) 98 1416 42 5 02:15 297,360
W1ZD/7 116 1497 35 5 6 261,975 Arizona Outlaws Cont
W6RLL 106 1429 37 4 3 211,492 Arizona Outlaws Cont
N2KI 78 880 23 4 2 147,840 Hudson Valley Contes
VY2LI 87 1254 30 3 2.5 112,860 MCC
AI9T 104 1111 33 3 2 109,989 SMC
AA5VU 89 696 38 4 100,492 CTDXCC
W6PK 10 131 8 3 3,144
Call Qs Pts Mlt Cnt hr Score Club
HZ1PS 216 3121 66 5 6 1,029,930
W4LC 118 1210 45 4 6 217,800 KCG
K7TQ 83 1009 30 5 4 151,350
W0RAA 195 729 26 3 4:58 56,862 Grand Mesa
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3830 at contesting.com
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