[RTTY] Brag files

Tom Osborne w7why at frontier.com
Wed Mar 2 10:08:47 PST 2011

>I think I'm with W7WHY on his comments.  I HAVE actually seen a Zip
> Code in a brag file!!
> My friend Ed, KC9GWK had this conversation this past weekend.  I had
> told him that my macros were set for the NAQP.  He fired back with,
> "Aren't YOU the one that said that real men don't use MACROS?!"  I
> told him that I DO use macros...but for contest exchanges.  They HAVE
> gotten out of hand...especially the ones like so:
> Good Morning, dear OM (name) (call) , in (QTH).  Name here is xxx,

Yes, especially when they say 'Good Morning dear OM Thomas K Osborne'.  You 
know they are sucking that from some database.

Once they have my name and QTH, what is there left for me to send :-)  'Ur 
599 BTU'.  73

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