[RTTY] RTTY Macros for N1MM Logger w/MMTTY

Larry Gauthier (K8UT) k8ut at k8ut.com
Fri Mar 18 16:24:23 PDT 2011


Macros for RTTY contests using N1MM as the logging program with MMTTY as its 
RTTY engine can be found on the N1MM website

The site includes macros for BARTG.

See: n1mm.hamdocs.com >Files >Sample Macro files

-----Original Message----- 
From: RLVZ at aol.com
Sent: Friday, March 18, 2011 6:18 PM
To: rtty at contesting.com
Subject: [RTTY] RTTY Macros for N1MM Logger w/MMTTY

Hi Guys,

I'm wondering if there is a website where I can download available RTTY
Macro files for RTTY contests?  I use N1MM Logger w/MMTTY.

If there is such a webiste, I'd be grateful if you would e-mail me the
website address.  Please e-mail me directly to save time.

I'm trying to get my hands on the Macro file for the BARTG RTTY Test which
begins tonight.

Thanks & 73,

Dick- K9OM
RLVZ at aol.com

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