aa5vu at att.net
Mon Mar 21 12:29:34 PDT 2011
On Mar 21, 2011, at 11:05:01 -0500 Dick <aa5vu at arrl.net> wrote
> Also, it was neat to work W2BYH and his QSO number really was 599. I waited and
> watched for his next QSO to be sure I copied the correct QSO number.
> QSO: 14111 RY 2011-03-20 2055 AA5VU 599 101 2054 W1BYH 599 599 2053
The log is correct. The typo was i my text. Norm's call is W1BYH
One annoying item I noticed was some NA stations (more than one) sending
the time in the wrong format. Instead of 599 059 2359 they were sending
something like 599 59 23 23:59:59Z and one station was even sending the
Year. It reminded me of the long winded PSK-31 macros some use.
They need to read over the rules before the contest starts.
EXCHANGE: Messages will consist of:
(B) MESSAGE NUMBER. The number must be a three figure group and start with 001 for the first
contact made
(C) TIME GMT. A full four figure GMT time must be sent as part of each message. eg 0023
73 Dick AA5VU
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