Frank Fallon n2ff at optonline.net
Tue Mar 22 17:01:01 PDT 2011

As a new RTTY op in the 1960's I found John's RTTY column both 
interesting and helpful.  I worked him in many RTTY contests in that era 
and wrote him a number of letters to which he responded. I believe John  
wrote the RTTY DX column.  In those days no one had DXCC on RTTY for it 
did not yet exist.   I think Jean, FG5XT (was it 5 or 7?) was the leader 
of the pack.  I even called John on the land line a time or two.  He was 
very helpful.  As he lived in PA and I in Queens, NY.  I never thought I 
would meet him.  In 1985 I made my first trip to Dayton.  When I sat 
down for lunch I realized the guy across the table from me was none 
other than W3KV.  It was one of the real high points of that first ever 
Dayton trip!

I am sorry to hear of his passing.

73 de N2FF (ex WA2YVK - 1975 I went to N2FF)

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