[RTTY] HK0/AA5AU RTTY QSOs Uploaded to LoTW

Don Hill AA5AU aa5au at bellsouth.net
Tue May 24 21:35:17 PDT 2011

All 2722 CW QSOs have been uploaded to LoTW now too.  That was easier than expected.  Thanks to Jim, AD1C for CT2ADIF.

Congrats Mike on your new 17M band entity!!!

73, Don AA5AU

-----Original Message-----
From: rtty-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:rtty-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Don Hill AA5AU
Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2011 11:01 PM
To: 'Rtty Contesting Reflector'
Subject: [RTTY] HK0/AA5AU RTTY QSOs Uploaded to LoTW

Better late than never.

All 400+ HK0/AA5AU RTTY QSO's from my trip to San Andres in Feb/Mar 1993 have been uploaded to LotW tonight.  Silvano, KB5GL (SK)
did the bulk of the RTTY during this trip as HK0/KB5GL.

I'm still looking to convert my K1EA CT CW log to ADIF.  I am guessing that I will do it the same way I converted my WF1B .BIN file
to ADIF, but that was so long ago, I don't remember if I did it on a Windows machine or on the old DOS machine.  I actually still
have the old Toshiba DOS laptop I used on that trip (brings back memories of long nights on 30M with too much beer & rum).  It
worked the last time I plugged it in even though the battery is dead.

If anyone has suggestions on doing this (converting CT .BIN file to ADIF), let me know.  But I recall there being an ADIF conversion
program from a .BIN file that came with WF1B.  Can this program be used to convert CT files to ADIF?

Apparently the ADIF file I ended up with from WF1B is good.  I had a result of 92 QSLs in LoTW tonight.

Thanks to Mike, WB9B, for spurring me on to get this done.  I've been sitting on the HK0 certificate for 4 years.  He needs a 17M CW
QSO confirmed and I'm happy to do it once I get the CT file converted.

73, Don AA5AU

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