Dick White whiter26 at sbcglobal.net
Mon Nov 14 13:16:49 PST 2011

After not being able to use the RTTY mode since June 27, I got my new
Signalink working just in time for the WAE contest. It sure is great to be
working RTTY again. Made 243 Q's in the WAE and a bunch of QTC's for total
points of 144,100.

N1MM worked fine except for a couple of glitches. I could not open the S/R
QTC window the first 2 times I tried. Finally worked ok. One time when I was
sending QTC's it hung up in the middle of the 2nd QTC being sent. Nothing
worked to get it going and I had to close N1MM. I sure left some DX station
hanging and I am sorry for that. The poorest QTC's received was  station
that did not have a S/R program like N1MM as his QTC info was sent the same
as you are typing a note to someone. I asked for "all agn" and got the same
thing. I shut down the radio to save my screen and hand entered the calls.
It took some time and that op should be steered to a good contesting
program. Forgot the call. Ready for the next contest.

73  Dick  KS0M

Richard C. "Dick" White
Fulton, Missouri 65251 U.S.A.
whiter26 at sbcglobal.net

Amateur Radio Station:  KS0M

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