[RTTY] Dupes how to handle

Alejandro V. XE1EE xe1ee at telmexmail.com
Mon Feb 13 15:29:37 PST 2012

Yes i saw your pileup and it was huge, there was another EI station calling 
also and don't know why he had less clients.

FSK is better than AFSK, still you can use autotune function of you're 
running mmtty + N1MM logger. I have a ProIII and it works just like yours, 
with a very narrow filter and a good performance on a crowded frequency.

If you have the chance, try Writelog, i'ts a great software,  I knew it 
thanks to XE2K, once I started using it, I quit using MixW and N1MM, as well 
as AFSK is no longer in my shack hi. It works great as a everyday program to 
work/log Dxpeds and so on.

Looking forward to work you soon, 73!

Alejandro Valdez O.
Mixed, 10, 15, 20 & 40
Twiter: @xe1ee

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From: "trevor dunne" <trevor_dunne at yahoo.com>
Sent: Monday, February 13, 2012 5:08 PM
To: "Alejandro V. XE1EE" <xe1ee at telmexmail.com>; "RTTY-reflektorn" 
<rtty at contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [RTTY] Dupes how to handle

> Sorry I missed you Alejandro, I had some very big pile ups on 15m, It made 
> me feel like a DX station at times. I struggle to get a decode when there 
> is lots of stations calling, I guess everyone does,
> Two items that bugged me during the contest when I was runnig were
> 1. Stations calling very much off my freq, I use a Icom 756 pro2 in 
> FSK/RTTY mode, with the filter at 250hz and some stations were over 100hz 
> off from me. It was a constant job adjusting the RIT to tune in some 
> stations.
> 2. When 2 or 3 stations call, I would stack there calls in N1MM so that 
> once I finished with the 1st I would go WXXX TU NOW KXXX ur 599 XXXX XXXX 
> and so on, but the amount of times the 2nd station didn't respond, I guess 
> EI2 was not rare enough to hang around 20 seconds for,
> I had no problems with QRM as the Filters are very sharp on the Pro. Have 
> to say that N1MM is a great tool this was my 2nd big contest with it and I 
> have still a lot to learn but I can't see myself ever trying to do ASFK 
> again.
> Thanks
> Trevor
> ________________________________
> From: Alejandro V. XE1EE <xe1ee at telmexmail.com>
> To: trevor dunne <trevor_dunne at yahoo.com>; RTTY-reflektorn 
> <rtty at contesting.com>
> Sent: Monday, 13 February 2012, 22:33
> Subject: Re: [RTTY] Dupes how to handle
> Hello Trevor
> Well, I have a macro who checks the call against the current contest log, 
> if it is a dupe sends Call QSO B4 XE1EE QRZ, if not just sends the serial 
> number and I keep going, I never work dupes.
> By the way..  you where here 5/9 (on 15 meters) and never heard me :( and 
> I was running 300 watts.
> Here's the macro I use (on Writelog)
> %R%C %BQSO B4%RXE1EE QRZ%E%B 599 %N3 %N3%E
> 73!
> *********************
> Alejandro Valdez O.
> Mixed, 10, 15, 20 & 40
> www.dxxe.org
> www.qsl.net/xe1ee
> Twiter: @xe1ee
> ***********************
> +++++ No mas SPAM ++++++
> No me envíes cadenitas, oraciones y demás correos sin mi autorización.
> Do not send me prays, chain letters and others without my permission.
> ** No trees were killed in the sending of this message but a large number 
> of electrons were terribly inconvenienced**
> --------------------------------------------------
> From: "trevor dunne" <trevor_dunne at yahoo.com>
> Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2012 10:02 AM
> To: "RTTY-reflektorn" <rtty at contesting.com>
> Subject: [RTTY] Dupes how to handle
>> Whats the correct procedure to handle dupe in any contest but mainly WPX 
>> I have a few QSO's that I thought were good but the other station called 
>> me again and when I said QSO B4, I wasn't in there log,
>> Do I just delete the first bad QSO and log the 2nd one ???
>> How does that affect my serial number count as there will be missing 
>> QSO's in the log ???
>> Thanks
>> Trevor
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