[RTTY] Dupes how to handle

Shelby Summerville k4ww at arrl.net
Wed Feb 15 09:33:06 PST 2012

I don't work dupes, and it isn't open for discussion, with me! I'm convinced 
that working dupes encourages bad operating habits? When making a contact, 
there a responsibility on both parties. If a station is running, it is their 
responsibility send their exchange, so that it can be copied correctly, in 
as short a time frame, as possible. It is also their responsibility to make 
sure the receiving station has received it. That can only be presumed, if a 
repeat is not requested? It is the responsibility of the receiving station 
to copy, and log, the exchange correctly, or not leave the frequency until 
this has happened? Having to send repeats is not a problem, for me? I'm 
rarely "in it to win it", so losing a contact or a multiplier because 
another station did not fulfill their responsibility, doesn't bother me. It 
is also the responsibility of the receiving station to know, for sure, whom 
they are calling. On more than one occasion, during WPX, I had VE, W1 and W2 
stations spot stations that I was working? If they couldn't hear me, all it 
would have taken is a moment, to listen, and they would have known the 
station was calling me, and not running on that frequency? This not only 
caused confusion, especially to the stations calling me, it made it 
necessary for me to make sure that they knew they were working me, and not a 
station that I had worked, previously, but had been spotted, in error, on 
that frequency.
IMHO, the best macro is the one in WF1B software that not only gives "QSO 
B4", but allows the user to indicate the date, time and band when the 
contact took place. This allows a log correction, during the contest, when 
it is allowed?
With the increased participation, in RTTY contest, it only stands to reason 
that the number of SO2R operators is also on the increase. I wish that some 
video game programmer would program a "SO2R practice" game for the "newbie" 
SO2R operators? Allowing them to practice, outside of contests would solve 
the "wait while I work someone on the other radio" situations that happen, 
all too frequently? When that happens, to me, I'm convinced that their 
"other radio" contact is more important, than mine, so I move on.

Stay tuned...Dayton RTTY contesting forum information coming soon!

C'Ya, Shelby - K4WW 

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