[RTTY] Macros again

Ed Muns ed at w0yk.com
Thu Feb 16 08:29:22 PST 2012

The other station's call sign has already been sent with your exchange.  I
seldom send the other station's call sign again in my QSL message.  I
typically send the same thing that I, and most everyone, sends on CW or SSB:


If I sense there might be confusion, then I pre-pend this message with the
<his call> message, but this is very rare.  Sure, there is always
possibility for confusion, but my error rate and dupe rate clearly indicate
that it is unnecessary to send the other station's call sign in every QSL

Ed - W0YK

> On 2/15/2012 12:32 PM, Dan Thompson wrote:
> >
> > This TU macro saves time for everyone!

Bill, W6WRT, replied:
> Unless there are two stations calling you and each one thinks 
> the message is for him. In a crowded, noisy band it can easily happen.
> This is one way dupes get created. Or more accurately, 
> erroneous dupe messages.

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