[RTTY] N1MM New feature

Ed Muns ed at w0yk.com
Tue Feb 21 10:51:36 PST 2012

I applaud Rick and the N1MM team for listening carefully to user input and
responding thoughtfully.  This is yet another example of their dedication to
N1MM users.

At the same time, the use of "FIFO Mults First" is poor, even rude,
operating behavior.  Despite this, Rick is to be commended for NOT censoring
the feature, but instead objectively responding to user wants.  It is an
option that users can choose to use or not use, so we all have a choice.

I strongly believe that multiple callers should be worked in the order they
print in my RTTY decode window.  It is insulting to the first caller to be
bypassed so I can selfishly work a multiplier that calls in later.  Besides
being rude, it is poor pile-up management, encouraging stations to make long
and repeated calls without sufficient listening time.  When stations believe
that I'm working calls in order, they'll realize there is no advantage in
tyring to overwhelm the pile-up.  Of course, the pile-up can't easily know
the order of calls as they appear on my screen, but that doesn't relieve me
from operating in an ethical way.

This is my personal opinion on good operating behavior, and not a criticism
of the excellent job the N1MM team does in addressing user input.

Ed - W0YK


Rick, N2AMG, wrote:
> For those of you that use N1MM but do not really follow the reflector.
> There is a new version of N1MM posted today that includes the 
> following I added to it.
> This ability has been asked for by a number of users and I 
> think it is excellent feature for those that use the easy 
> call stacking ability of N1MM.
> "In digital modes, a new method of popping calls off the Call 
> Stack has been added, called "FIFO Mults First".  As the name 
> suggests, when this LogThenPop method is selected, callsigns 
> will be taken off the stack in order of their multiplier 
> value.  In contests where one QSO can yield 2 or 3 mults, the 
> higher-mult calls will be taken first.  Among calls with the 
> same multiplier value, FIFO (first-in-first-out) will apply - 
> that is, the earliest added will be the first popped."

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