Jan Thogersen jan at thogersen.dk
Sun Jul 15 23:10:18 PDT 2012

DENMARK, OZ, In connection with the largest Scout and Guide Jamboree ever held in
Denmark, a special event station with the call sign OZ12SJ will be - very - active during the
period between July 21st-29th from Holstebro. Five Jamboree On The Air stations will be
QRV on all bands. The activity includes many different JOTA activities within Amateur
Radio and is supported by EDR, Eksperimenterende Danske Radioamatører, and
members will be helping to activate and demonstrate the hobby to the Scouts. The Activity
also includes a license course and the option of actually taking a license test on site.
The call sign is expected to be active in the DMC RTTY Contest, CQWW VHF Contest and
the RSGB IOTA Contest
QSL via the Bureau.
vy 73 de OZ1ADL

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