Ktfrog007 at aol.com Ktfrog007 at aol.com
Fri Mar 2 09:17:51 PST 2012

Not recently. I experimented with it about a year ago and couldn't draw any 
 conclusions.  I have never tried using it since.  The documentation  made 
it sound like a good concept, and maybe it is, but I couldn't prove it with  
my casual testing.  Maybe others can weigh in.
Kermit, AB1J
In a message dated 3/2/2012 3:59:42 P.M. GMT Standard Time,  
dezrat1242 at yahoo.com writes:
I used it briefly during the NAQP and my impression was it was much  worse. 
After only about five minutes I changed back to my usual Fluttered  Signals 
(FIR) and that was better. I'm not done, however. I will try it some  more 
in a non-contest environment.

Have you had a chance to try it out?

73, Bill  W6WRT

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