[RTTY] ROS policeman on 14101

Jay WS7I ws7ik7tj at gmail.com
Wed Mar 21 13:47:18 PDT 2012

Cynical for sure.  We have had many great RTTY Dxpeditioners and I saw 
that another one of our greats was going to NH8S (Swain's). Also 
recently worked Ron ZL1AMO's call (SK), and remember all the stuff in 
the Pacific Ron put on RTTY for many years.  Met him a couple of times 
in Dayton.  Then there is our resident Artic guy from way down south 
(chime in here as I know you're on the reflector).  It takes a large 
investment in time and money.

What was once rare HC8 circa 1987 isn't so much anymore.  Mega 
Dxpeditions have also changed the outlook.

Jay WS7I

On 3/21/2012 1:16 PM, Bill Turner wrote:
> It often amazes me how DXPeditions will spend tens of thousands of 
> dollars on equipment, travel, lodging, etc, etc and then take along a 
> very inexperienced and inefficient RTTY operator. I suspect who gets 
> to go depends more on financial contribution than skill. Or am I just 
> being cynical? :-) 73, Bill W6WRT

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